Adding Dublin Core metadata to WordPress posts

Automated disclaimer: This post was written more than 15 years ago and I may not have looked at it since.

Older posts may not align with who I am today and how I would think or write, and may have been written in reaction to a cultural context that no longer applies. Some of my high school or college posts are just embarrassing. However, I have left them public because I believe in keeping old web pages aliveā€”and it's interesting to see how I've changed.

WordPress does not have a built-in mechanism for automatically adding standardized metadata to pages. Today I wrote a plugin to add Dublin Core metadata to all posts and pages. It currently supports the following metadata:

  • Site name as DC.publisher
  • Site URL as DC.publisher.url
  • Post title as DC.title
  • Permalink as DC.identifier
  • Date created as

Install it by downloading the latest version from the DC 4 WP page (version 0.2 at this time), unpacking the .zip archive, and dropping the .php file into your WordPress installation's wp-content/plugins folder.

This is my first plugin, so any and all constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Newer versions and changelog

(This was originally a separate page, but I moved it here in 2020 for archiving.)

This plugin implements some Dublin Core metadata elements for WordPress.

Download the current version (0.4) as a zipped php file.


Features a small admin screen in Options. (Allows admin to set License metadata.)

Adds the following Dublin Core metadata elements to posts and pages:

  • Site name as DC.publisher
  • Site URL as DC.publisher.url
  • Post title as DC.title
  • Permalink as DC.identifier
  • Date created as
  • Author name as DC.creator
  • Categories as DC.subject (semicolon delimited, excludes default category)
  • If WordPress 2.1 or higher, DC.language
  • If license is set, DC.rights.license
  • If license is set, author name as DC.rights.rightsHolder

Future work

At some point I'd like to add in the following metadata elements:

  • Post subtitle as DC.title (again)
  • Date modified as
  • Tags (of Ultimate Tag Warrior) as DC.subject? Perhaps.

Change log

Version 0.4

Released on 2007-1-27, version 0.4 [zip format] adds DC.language, DC.rights.rightsHolder, and DC.rights.license. Joan Junyent has joined the list of contributors. Default category is now excluded.

Version 0.3.1

Released on 2007-1-11, version 0.3.1 [zip format] adds DC.creator and DC.subject, thanks to Salvatore Vassallo's version 0.3.

Version 0.2

Released on 2006-10-1, version 0.2 [zip format] includes basic DC support but has no admin interface. It supports the following metadata elements:

  • Site name as DC.publisher
  • Site URL as DC.publisher.url
  • Post title as DC.title
  • Permalink as DC.identifier
  • Date created as

Responses: 4 so far Feed icon

  1. Brain on Fire » Blog Archive » My first collaboration! says:

    [...] A while back I wrote a very simple plugin for WordPress that would automatically insert Dublin Core metadata into the header of my blog posts. I released it under a free license (as version 0.2) with the hope that someone more proficient in WordPress than I would come along and build on my work. And someone did! [...]

  2. Saket says:

    Hey. Thanks for writing the plugin, I've just installed it.

    But I have a question, in its settings page, what am I supposed to write in "Add metadata dublincore License:" ?

  3. Tim McCormack says:

    Saket: If you have a license for your posts (such as some Creative Commons license) you can put that information there.

  4. ashok says:

    Hi, this is a very useful plugin, however it takes into account only some of the dc parameter. there was one issue regarding author metadata. even if i fill in the author information in the plugin, the header shows defalut author as admin. Also no provision for adding multiple authors, authors affiliation, etc. thanks again for this plugin

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