Moving site to cooler host

Automated disclaimer: This post was written more than 15 years ago and I may not have looked at it since.

Older posts may not align with who I am today and how I would think or write, and may have been written in reaction to a cultural context that no longer applies. Some of my high school or college posts are just embarrassing. However, I have left them public because I believe in keeping old web pages aliveā€”and it's interesting to see how I've changed.

Brain on Fire is currently hosted on, and while NetFirms is nicer than some of the other website hosting services I've seen, I'm paying for a lot of unused bandwidth and storage space. I'll be moving this site over to, where I only have to pay for the bandwidth and storage space I actually use. I'll be paying less, but have more features to play with. For example, the URL for this post will no longer be the somewhat anonymous but rather the more descriptive Pretty sweet.

I'm moving my domain and email hosting to, which is a pretty nice deal. It's recommended by

Expect some website and email funkiness for a several-day span between now and June 9.

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