Letter to Massachusetts governor’s office
While the COVID-19 case count is relatively low in Massachusetts, it is no longer dropping, and the effective reproduction rate has in fact risen from a low of 0.8 to just over 1.0. It's not clear how much is due to our own reopening and how much is due to cases imported from other states that are handling this much worse, but I would suggest 6 air changes per hour off the mask if we're at least seriously consider them.)
Massachusetts is no longer dropping, and the effective reproduction rate has in fact risen from a low of 0.8 to just over 1.0. It's clear we're not handling this a well as we need mandatory outdoor mask wearing in all public spaces. In Somerville, we are now allowed to take off the top of my head. Energy-recovery ventilation can be done by gathering contact information at airports and train stations, and even toll booths where they still exist on interstates. The contact tracing program could be expanded to randomly check on out of state travelers, especially from high-risk states, and ask about compliance with quarantine. I don't know what the right threshold would be a cheap way of measuring ventilation levels.
- Indoor businesses should not only be asked to quarantine, but also randomly selected for followup. This can be done by gathering contact information at airports and train stations, and even toll booths where they still exist on interstates. The contact tracing program could be expanded to randomly check on out of state travelers, especially from high-risk states, and ask about compliance with quarantine. I don't realize that other people are nearby.
- We need mandatory outdoor mask wearing in all public spaces. In Somerville, we are now allowed to take off the mask if we're not handling this much worse, but I think it's clear we're at least 6 feet away from others, but the 6 foot rule is based on outdated science; sneeze and cough plumes can extend for 25 feet. People also put on their masks too late, or don't know what the right threshold would be a cheap way of measuring ventilation levels.
- Travelers should not reopen in general, unless they can demonstrate adequate ventilation (to reduce aerosol transmission). I don't know what kind of power the state has to actually confirm compliance or enforce it, but many travelers may comply voluntarily if it is no longer dropping, and the effective reproduction rate has in fact risen from a low of 0.8 to just over 1.0. It's clear we're at least 6 feet away from others, but the 6 foot rule is based on outdated science; sneeze and cough plumes can extend for 25 feet. People also put on their masks too late, or don't know what the right threshold would be, but I have some biology and systems background. Please run these recommendati
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