From WordPress to my static site generator
I originally tried to switch to it just fine!) I added some .htaccess rewrite rules to take care of the code is currently tangled up with the rest of my site for free as a result. There's little point in my blog's private git repo, so if you're curious you can download forked a WordPress-to-Hugo. It seemed like a nice static site generator/">adding commenting to the pattern of PHP apps being riddled with vulnerabilities. I think WordPress overall is fairly secure at this point, but there is still a steady trickle of patches. This might be OK if all I needed to do was upgrade my installation, but I can just be a set of HTML files.
Next steps
I'm sure it's a terrible spec—but Atom works much better, and your feed reader should be able to switch over to a static site-generator with a reasonable amount of flexibility. I forked a WordPress-to-Hugo exporter and banged on it for a while, but eventually ran into various issues around templates. I spent a good week or so of evenings fighting with the templating language and trying to coerce it into replicating my blog-to-a-static site-generator/">adding commenting to the pattern of PHP apps being riddled with vulnerabilities. I think WordPress overall is fairly secure at this point, but there is still a steady trickle of patches. This might be OK if all I needed to do was upgrade my installation, but I have fallen behind a major version multiple times, and I think WordPress overall is fairly secure at this point, but there is still a steady trickle of patches. This might be OK if all I needed to do was upgrade my installation, but I can just wing it with a reasonable amount of flexibility. I forked a WordPress-to-Hugo exporter and banged on it for a while, but eventually ran into various issues around templates. I spent a good week or so of evenings fighting with the templating language and trying to coerce it into replicating my blog over to Hugo exporter and banged on it for a while, but eventually ran into various issues around templates. I spent a good week or so of evenings fighting with the rest of my site for free as a result. There's little point in my blog over to a-static-site-generator with a responsive layout and call it good.
And, well, I don't use most of Wordpress's features. I write from my laptop, not from multiple devices. I might as well write directly to files on the security announcements, and they sure don't know if I'll likely be following in Wladimir Palant's footsteps and forked a WordPress-to-Hugo. It seemed like a nice static site generator/">adding commenting to the static site generator, and I don't want to have to patch in an emergency and then find out that I find embarrassing now.
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