Private messaging in
The social bookmarking service does not offer private messaging between users, but it does offer several features which may be combined to simulate it.
The social bookmarking service does not offer private messaging between users, but it does offer several features which may be combined to simulate it.
The latest best practices in javascript recommend that object literal notation be used to create a namespace feature of sorts. Object literal notation is ridiculously easy to use and gives a great deal of power to the developer. Here is an example-laden crash course.
(No excerpt available.)
I've been playing with the idea of creating a wiki-like corporation tracker. The idea is to create a public database containing information on national corporations and their relationships to one another. I'm still working out the details of what data will be stored, though, and I'd like some input.
BBC News recently carried a story on an anti-filming system in development at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I predict it will fail miserably.